Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My display settings are acting weird and change when I startup my computer.?

I know how to change my display settings. I have always used the 1024 x 768 pixel setting. All of a sudden, when I exit programs or turn on my computer it is at the 800 x 600 setting. I keep changing it back but it always changes back on me. Why would my computer, after all this time, decide that it only wants to use the 800 x 600? How come it won't stay where it's always been at the 1024 x 768? I haven't installed any new software or hardward, so that's not the issue. How can I get my computer to use the 1024 x 768 setting again. Yes, I hit apply when i change and restart, but when it restarts it's back to 800 x 600. Please help!!!My display settings are acting weird and change when I startup my computer.?
If you have really added no new software or hardware (including windows updates?), then you are most likely facing a hardware failure. What you describe, it could be the ram or your video card. At this point I would try to do some troubleshooting. Do the following:

1) If you are familiar with Linux, use any Linux CD distro that supports your vide card (you didn't specify what you have). If you aren't then you can try a BartPE disk. You might have to install drivers for your video card. Boot from that disk and see if it can hold your video settings. If it can, then you don't have a hardware problem but a software one goto #2. If it can't goto #3.

2) Uninstall your video card drivers fully, reboot and reinstall the newest version (you didn't specify what video card you have but goto ATI or nvidia's website depending on what card you have). If that doesn't work, reinstall windows.


3) Run memtest and see if your ram is going bad. Any error in memtest means that it is. More info in the memtest link below. If you get an error, follow the website instructions (remove one stick, retest. replace ram, etc) till you get no errors. Then see if your problem goes away. Else...

4) Pull out video card and put into another system. See if the same error occurs there.

If 3 and 4 check out the you got another hardware problem somewhere. Good luck!My display settings are acting weird and change when I startup my computer.?
needs repaired.

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